September 5, 2018

the Gift of grief & how I ended up on Mark Leruste podcast

I've been following Mark for a while, enjoyed his Insta stories and enjoying his podcast The Unconventionalists for a while. Lots of motivation and podcast knowledge all wrapped up with humour.

If you haven't listened yet to his podcast... make yourself this gift and go download it now and have a listen this weekend. He had amazing guests talking about their unconventional lives and challenges.

Always inspirational.

One of his belief is that everyone has a story inside them that need to be told.

He challenged us during the Live recording of the 100th episode of his podcast to tell this story, our story, and tag him for a chance to be on his podcast as the 101th guest.

I was in the audience in London and after hesitating I did (You can read it here on Insta or below).
I learned today that I have won the competition and have the big honour to be Mark's guest for the 101 episode.

It's now Live and you can listen to it here: The gift of Grief with Pascale RECHER

PS I was still the Right-Brain Geek then... 😉

Here's the original post that won the competition...

(Long personal post) I had a blast the other night... Live recording of the #TheUnconventionalists podcast at White city place. @markleruste delivered as usual.
Talking about health and health data ownership, the future of work and the stories we have in us.
Thomas Olivier and David Baker made me think and I’m still processing to be honest.
Thomas has founded @gensmartme, a company that lets you know about your genetic predispositions for illnesses, give you guidance on what’s best for you, while keeping your data safe.
My Dad died 20years ago of a rare illness, cells started to grow preventing his body to create blood cells. He kind of suffocated from the inside.

It’s not something I often talk about.
I’ve also been surrounded by Alzheimer and death since I was little. My gran being the eldest of 7, married my Grandad who also was the eldest of 7kids. Hence many people in my childhood who were old. Cancer robbed me from many younger members of the family. If you need help organising funerals or how to be of support when one of your loved ones grieves... ask me, I know a thing or two about that.
So many people ask me how come I’m so resilient... I guess the journey started there. Along with empathy. Seeing people in pain, from the people who were carers, to the people who had a glimpse of clarity amidst days of dementia. I can’t forget that.
I have moved from France to the UK and now prepping my move to Berlin.
Many friends have told me “you’re so brave”. But I’m not. I know myself, I’ve learned how to get help and I want to have a life that makes me happy and help me build legacy. I won’t have kids. I want to age as healthy as possible to not be a burden on my sister and nephews.
That brings me to the BIG question David asked us: “why do you want lo live longer?”
Because more years doesn’t mean anything if they are empty. I have had a compass inside me lately, an obsession: be a bridge between people, be a bridge between people and tech. I have some ideas to achieve that but it’s still slightly blurry. Social justice and helping people in vulnerable position through tech is where I’m heading. I know where I go, I am still figuring out the HOW.

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