oh Sorry did I wake you up there? I don't often swear, but when I do… I DO. I said recently "because it's f*cking 2020" to end a discussion. What can I say, you visibly can't take the French out of me.
I don't know for you, but birthdays + year end always pull me to review the past.
Lately, I had to accept a harsh truth. I DID DUMB SH*T in 2020:
- Wasted time debating with people who are stuck in their idea (OK, I'm also the stubborn kind, I plead guilty doing it myself)
- Taking bad decisions based on assumptions (Hint: always double check AND GET DATA because your Mind is great at creating a story far from reality)
- Let myself drowned in messages and requirements because I had poor boundaries (and a lack of clarity in my onboarding), making me tired, making mistakes & creating unpaid work for myself. to fix them
- Wasted time reinventing the wheel with every client when doing client work
- Not creating videos tutorials that can be used more than once
- Wasted time focusing on tiny offers because I didn't own the value I actually bring to my clients
- Wasted energy on looking at the latest shiny tactics instead of focusing on serving clients, creating content that matters and walking the talk of great customer experience.
- Wasted brain power starting the day scrolling social media numbing my spirit instead of nourishing it
- Wasted time choosing my fonts (when I know Open Sans is always a safe one for body text)
It hurts. It hurts because I know I let clients down, I let myself down, & it ain't pretty.
It's ironically painful & common though, that we are our worst clients and we forget to apply our own medicine to our own work. The good thing?
Once aware, you can change it all.
Apply your magic to your biz.
Ask for help. And if you feel you've done dumb sh*t, be sure I won't judge you. I've done it too.
If you want my help to set up your backend properly or optimise your social media profiles, get in touch and let's chat.